Next trip I think will be filled with Shakespeare.
Back when Shakespeare's Globe Theater announced their 2012/13 season I jumped on the chance to get a ticket for their Twelfth Night production, it sold out incredibly fast!
Twelfth Night is reasonably often produced but not with an all male cast and certainly not with Stephen Fry in the cast. Mr Fry's rare appearance on stage is a good enough excuse to plan a trip to London for a theater geek like me.
Twelfth Night is reasonably often produced but not with an all male cast and certainly not with Stephen Fry in the cast. Mr Fry's rare appearance on stage is a good enough excuse to plan a trip to London for a theater geek like me.
With Twelfth Night set, this week I've looked at London's Theater websites to figure out what else to see when I get there. Plenty of interesting things to see on West End or the National, but a closer look at the Globe's schedule was even more interesting.
Mark Rylance is performing in two productions at the Globe this season... I didn't realize this when I glanced over the program first but those two productions are played in Rep in the performance schedule... having Rylance switch between plays. I don't think I've ever seen an actor work in two simultaneous productions on this level before.
Mark Rylance will be 'Olivia' in Twelfth Night (to Stephen Fry's Malvolio) and 'Richard' in Richard III, both plays running for 2-3 hrs, performed in rep.
So I will find a way to fit Richard III into my trip... and now that it will be heavy on Shakespeare, I think I'll try to catch the Globe's version of The Taming of the Shrew while I'm at it.
That's the plan at least.. will see if I can find tickets for these last two for the dates that I'll be in London, fingers crossed!
Thanks for the reminder !